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JKŞ: Long live 8 March, long live socialism!The women’s revolution is not easy, but victory is certain.

This year, we welcome the 8th of March with the tireless resistance of women all over the world. From the mountains of Kurdistan to Palestine, from Rojava to Iran, from Afghanistan to the Philippines, from Argentina to Poland, women are waging a unique struggle against racism, fascism and sexism. Women are not silent against gender genocide, poverty and the massacres of women that return to the exploitation of women’s labour and bodies.

Our women’s revolution, which was founded by the self-sacrificing revolutionary will of thousands of women in North and East Syria, is a hope for the women of the world. But at the same time, the reactionary states and imperialists, especially the fascist Turkish state, are resorting to all means to suffocate and destroy the light of our women’s revolution.
They are waging a special war against the women in Afrin. They also want to destroy the will of the women in Girê Spî and Serêkaniyê. Following the path of Arin Mirkan, Sarya Özgür, Avaşin Têkoşin Güneş, Leyla Agirî, Sorxin Rojhilat and thousands of martyrs, we will defend our women’s revolution and lead it to the socialist revolution.

We will raise our flag of freedom, which we have inherited from Clara and Rosa and which flies in the hands of Berçem, Sakîne, Emîne Goyî and Raperin, to the victory towers of the worldwide women’s revolution.
We congratulate all women on the 8th of March, International Women’s Day. Let us strengthen women’s unity, solidarity and struggle for a free and equal life.

The women’s revolution is not easy, but victory is certain.
Long live 8 March, long live the women’s revolution!
Long live women’s solidarity!
Long live women’s resistance for life!