With the approval and supervision of the Western imperialists, with the direct support and intervention of Zionist Israel and the colonialist Turkish Republic in the Middle East, the political Islamist fascist gang coalition of HTS and SNA marched towards Damascus, and the half-century-old Baathist regime of the Assad family collapsed.
The Syrian uprising, which was triggered by the Arab Spring, turned into a reactionary civil war in 2011 due to the intervention of the reactionary states of the region and the imperialists. The Kurdish people under the leadership of the PYD took a historic initiative by not joining the reactionary blocs but proclaiming the democratic-national liberation revolution of 19 July in Rojavaye Kurdistan.
The Northeast Syrian Federation, which guarantees the democratic unity and life of the Kurds, Arabs and Syrian peoples against the denying Baathist regime, the political Islamist gangs, especially ISIS, and the colonialist fascist Turkish state, has been defending its own destiny for 13 years by not giving in to the threats. It has taken its fate into its own hands and consolidated itself.
On the instructions of the Russian Federation, Bashar al-Assad accepted the regime’s surrender without resistance by means of a despicable capitulation.
The HTS-SNA, on the other hand, has allowed the occupation of southern Syria by Israel, starting from the Golan Heights, and has not resisted the air and ground attacks of the Israeli and Western imperialists on the military and logistical infrastructure, so that a new era could emerge in line with the interests of the Western imperialists, in line with the interests of Israel.
The reactionary states of the region and the imperialists have started a struggle for a share in the reconstruction of Syria.
The colonial fascist regime under the leadership of Tayyip Erdoğan, which is expanding its hegemonic area directly, especially through the SNA gangs, is mobilising all its diplomatic, political and military advantages to destroy the democratic, national liberation and revolutionary gains of the Kurdish people.
It wants to expel the Kurds to the east of the Euphrates in order to crush the Syrian Democratic Forces, which are based on the Kurdish-Arab alliance, and to liquidate the revolutionary-democratic content of the Democratic Autonomy.
Initially, the Turkish Republic, which pursued a policy in line with the USA and France to crush the political influence of the PKK and the communists, launched invasion attacks on Minbic, Tishrin and Kobane.
ISIS was revived with the support of this political climate and the fascist regime. Massacres of Kurds, Alawites and other minorities are once again on the agenda.
The Syrian Democratic Forces and the Autonomous Administration are continuing their political, military and diplomatic resistance.
In Minbij and Tishrin, the SDF and the Minbij Military Council launched a military offensive and repelled the attacks.
To all workers, women, youth and peoples of the world!
In the Middle East and West Asia, in the grip of reactionary wars, massacres and heinous, unjust wars based on economic interests, the Rojava/Northeast Syrian Federation has emerged as a democratic, women-liberating, pro-people alternative and model.
All regional reactionary forces, especially the colonialist fascist regime under Tayyip Erdoğan – but also the Western imperialists – are fighting against the emergence of a self-determined Middle East.
Turkey does not want the North-East Syrian Federation, which offers an alternative, popular and democratic future for the workers, women, youth and peoples of the regions, to survive. They are waiting for an opportunity to liquidate Rojava.
In the 13-year history of the Federation of Rojava/Northeast Syria, the peoples of the world have been the most loyal friends and allies of the Rojava revolution. When Kobane was attacked by ISIS and Tayyip Erdoğan euphorically announced that Kobanê had fallen, the peoples of all continents took to the streets on 1 November and took part in the defence of Kobanê. The streets of the world were transformed into a great front in defence of Kobanê.
Hundreds and thousands of internationalist, revolutionary youth joined the defence of the Rojava revolution and became part of the construction of civil life. Solidarity committees with Rojava were formed in every corner of the world, Thousands of internationalists carried the slogan ‘Defend Rojava’ to the cities where they live.
In the Middle East and Kurdistan, we have entered a critical phase in the defence of the North East Syrian Peopels Federation. Today, more than ever, it is necessary to resist by relying on our own strength, strengthening the alliance of peoples and holding on to the gains of the revolution.
The recent developments in Syria have once again shown that the imperialist hegemonic powers, especially the US, Britain and the EU, are intervening in the Middle East and the world according to their own interests.
The Western imperialists, who congratulated the ‘terrorist’ HTS and its leader Jolani and labelled them as the founding vanguard of the new Syrian regime, are also cooperating with the colonialist regime of Tayyip Erdoğan.
The states we live in are also part of this war!
To all progressive, revolutionary, internationalist, women liberating, democratic, anti-war forces, artists and intellectuals!
Today it is time again to strengthen solidarity with the Federation of Rojava/Northeast Syria.
In these historic times, when the imperialists and the reactionary states of the region are reshaping the Middle East in accordance with their own interests, it is the duty and responsibility of all progressive humanity to take action to keep the democratic Federation of Northeast Syria alive under the rule of the peoples.
In the spirit of 1 November, take action to strengthen and spread solidarity with Rojava and Northeast Syria in the countries, cities, neighbourhoods, universities, schools and workplaces, establish committees, platforms and action alliances, and carry out actions that will advance the peoples’ response.
Expose the hypocritical, disinformation-based news and commentaries of the oppressors’ news agencies!
Inform the peoples and their environment, in the social media and in all spheres of life, about the real situation on the ground! Show solidarity with the journalists and reporters in the region! Expose the massacres of journalists by the Turkish Republic!
Expose the political relations of the states you live in with governments such as the fascist Turkish Republic and the political-islamist fascist forces of the HTS-SNA.
Expose all kinds of economic and diplomatic relations and increase the political pressure!
Stand up for the recognition of the democratic federation of Northeast Syria – as a demand of the peoples of the world!
Develop the common struggle of the peoples against the occupation of Syria by the colonialist regime of Tayyip Erdoğan and Zionist Israel, develop new tools for the common resistance of the Palestinian and Kurdish people – and all the peoples of the region!
Make people aware of the Democratic Self-Government of North and East Syria with creative works, art and cultural products, concerts, exhibitions and theatre performances.
Use your knowledge and professional skills for the defence and development of infrastructure and civil life in Rojava-North-East Syria! Increase the pressure on trade unions, international NGOs and aid organisations to raise awareness!Organise financial support and solidarity!
Now we must strengthen the bridges between the peoples of the world and the peoples of North-East Syria!
Now is the time for action!
Long live free Rojava, democratic Syria and the Middle East!
Long live the Federation of North-East Syria for the equality and democratic unity of the peoples!
30 December 2024
People’s Bridge