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We demand the end of the occupation of South Kurdistan by Turkish colonialism!

Trustee coup attempts, the use of chemical weapons, targeted forest fires or attacks on civilians and infrastructure, all these means have been used by the fascist Turkish state in recent months in its racist campaign in the various parts of Kurdistan.
All these actions are part of the blood-soaked history of the Turkish state, which has always fought against any progress on the Kurdish side.

Currently, the Turkish state is targeting the Medya Defense Areas in southern Kurdistan (Başurê Kurdistan), for which the fascist leader Erdoğan brought Iraq into line with his visit in April, among other things with a flimsy Silk Road project, which then declared the PKK a banned party without a parliamentary vote.
This gave Turkey the green light to operate in northern Iraq.

The collaborators of the PDK (Partiya Demokrata Kurdistan) are no less harshly condemned, as they accept the possibility of guerrilla bloodshed in the heart of the Medya Defense Areas simply for the sake of their hegemonic position.
The nepotistic-reactionary government of the autonomous region of Kurdistan (Herêma Kurdistan) is enabling Turkey to gradually deploy large numbers of soldiers and heavy artillery around the strategically important city of Amêdî.
It is the task of every Kurd to oppose a new “birakujî” (fratricide) —despite the submissive policy of the PDK.

The international communities are also guilty of these crimes by keeping silent about the Turkish state’s plans.
Since June, Turkey has set targeted forest fires and intensified its air strikes on the region in order to drive out the local population.
According to the local NGO Community Peacemaker Teams (CPT), over 600 Kurdish and Christian villages are at acute risk of displacement.
To think that all these attacks would be possible without the approval of the USA and other imperialist states would be fatal and would make Turkey look stronger than it actually is.
Iraqi airspace is under the control of US imperialism, which recently gave the green light to these attacks, because without it they could not be carried out without far-reaching consequences.

So when we call for an end to this anti-Kurdish policy, we are not only demanding this from Turkey, but also from all other states — including Germany, for example.
Just a few months ago, German President Steinmeier was in Turkey eating a kebab in a country where prisoners have now been on hunger strike for over six months against the isolation policy in prisons, where pro-Kurdish
democratic politicians are sentenced to draconian prison terms, in which attempts are made to impose a trusteeship if the democratically elected representatives of the Kurds do not suit the regime and in which pogroms against Syrian refugees took place last week.
The Federal Republic of Germany, where countless Kurds live, is once again clearly positioning itself on the side of colonialists.
It is therefore our duty to take the protest against this policy to the streets of Germany and fight for our human rights.

This appeal is addressed to those progressive, working left organizations, parties and people:

Let us not allow Turkish fascism, supported by the West, to rage in Kurdistan!

No to anti-Kurdish racism!

No to the anti-Syrian pogroms in Turkey!

Long live the resistance of the oppressed!