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11 Years of Rojava Revolution – Hope for the Peoples of North-East Syria and the Whole World

The revolution in Rojava has already existed for 11 years. On July 19, 2012, self-government was established in various cities of Rojava, West Kurdistan. Since then, it has given hope to the oppressed peoples for a world away from fascism and oppression. Because the revolution in Rojava, has managed to unite and liberate the woman, as well as all the peoples of northern and eastern Syria. After the victory over the fascist IS gangs, the revolution got even more clearly the character not only of a Kurdish revolution, but a revolution of all peoples in Northern and Eastern Syria. It also represents a glimmer of hope for countless people from all parts of the world, which has attracted many of these people to Rojava and who have participated in building and defending the revolution. In order to develop and strengthen the revolution, the current situation in Rojava makes it even more important to develop the revolution into a socialist revolution.In the imperialist countries, it is even more important to strengthen the solidarity with Rojava especially within the working left and to carry the ideals and perspectives of the revolution and the communists on the ground to the people. Let us see it as our task to make known and defend the Rojava Revolution even more clearly, let us strengthen the solidarity with the self-government in Northern and Eastern Syria and the peoples of the region.

However, since the beginning of the revolution, 11 years ago, Rojava has also been under constant attack. Currently, Turkey is particularly waging a drone and artillery war, a war of so-called “low intensity” against the self-government. With drone and artillery attacks, mainly on civilian structures and the population. Just a few weeks ago, the co-chairwoman of Qamişlo Canton Yusra Derwêş, her deputy Lîman Şiwêş, and her driver Firat Tûma were assassinated by a drone. There are also repeated attacks on civilians, or on grain fields. All of these attacks, whether on members of the self-government, the self-defense forces, or the civilian population, are aimed at creating terror and weakening the self-government for another large-scale offensive with the goal of occupying further parts of northern and eastern Syria.
At the same time, it is the imperialist states, especially NATO under the leadership of the USA and Russia, which enables the Turkish state to carry out these drone attacks by opening the airspace over Syria for Turkey. Therefore, for the self-government, it is a central issue, also so that the self-government can develop and the people can live in peace, that the airspace over Syria is closed. However, we also know that the imperialist states will not do this voluntarily, especially the USA, which is linked to Turkey through NATO. Therefore, let us fight all the more resolutely for the establishment of a no-fly zone, so that the revolution can develop further and is not exposed to the constant drone terror of Turkey.

At the same time, the attacks are not limited to military attacks, but the self-government is also under constant political and economic attack. The self-government is affected by countless embargoes and blockades, which is why the most necessary things for the supply of the local people are still missing and the economic situation is also getting worse. On the one hand, the self-government is also affected by the international embargo imposed on Syria since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war, but there are also blockades by the Syrian state, in Southern Kurdistan by the Kurdish autonomy administration under Barzani and of course by Turkey. Turkey is also blocking the water supply to northern and eastern Syria, which is causing a humanitarian catastrophe in Heseke and the surrounding region, affecting more than 1 million people. We must therefore also take on the task of organizing concrete support for the self-government in the form of medical supplies, water or even specialist knowledge. Or also through the construction of infrastructure on the ground. It is crucial that we manage to strengthen the self-government and organize practical assistance, but also clearly state that it is the imperialist and reactionary states that are in the region, which are fighting the Rojava revolution with all means.

At the same time, the Rojava Revolution is still not recognized internationally. We see especially in the repatriation of IS members from countries like Germany or France that this is still difficult. Also, in view of the 100th anniversary of the Treaty of Lausanne, which fixed the interests of the imperialist state and redrew the borders after the First World War in the Middle East, the revolution in Rojava is a development against this treaty, which divided the Kurdish people among four states. An international recognition of the self-rule in Northern and Eastern Syria would increase the diplomatic possibilities, but would also make it more difficult for the Turkish state to continue its attacks on Rojava in this form. Therefore, after 11 years of the revolution’s existence, let us finally ensure that the revolution receives an internationally recognized status.

Even though it looks right now as if the revolution is threatened from all sides and its possibilities are limited, we see that it has already existed for 11 years. It is up to us, no matter where we are, to make sure that this revolution continues to exist for another 11 years and beyond, and that it develops ever more clearly as a perspective for the peoples of the Middle East and the world. Let us therefore strengthen solidarity with Rojava in all its forms.

Long live the Rojava Revolution!

Biji Berxwedana Rojava!

